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Jj, keby si "prekladatel" clanku aspon okrem ceny, precital aj technicke parametre, tak by nepisal BLUDY! Bateria v NABIJACKE prijme kapacitu 2000 mAh (66%) za 15 minut pripojenia k el. sieti a za 95 minut sa nabije na plnu kapacitu. Samotna nabijacka dobija zariadenie (telefon a pod...) standardne dlhu dobu, teda rovnako dlho ako originalna, sietova nabijacka od vyrobcu. Marketing a ludska blbost nepozna hranic... "Understand the charging The fastest way to replenish a battery pack equipped with Ultra-X is to charge up to approximately a 70% charged capacity; this ensures the quickest charging time in the shortest amount of time. Charging the final 30% takes approximately the same amount of time as the first 70% due to a necessary decrease in charging current to help top-off the battery cells. It's somewhat like turning down a faucet in order to fill a glass of water to the top without spilling. That is why Ultrapak Go collects 2000mAh (~70%) in 15 minutes, but takes 30 minutes to reach 3000mAh (100%)."