Silentmaxx Titan – passively up to 145W


The Silentmaxx Titan is primarily designed as a passive cooler, and its performance is honestly impressive...

The Titan managed to cool an Intel xxxx CPU under a sustained load of 130W with an average temperature of 97 degrees Celsius. It handled the declared 140W for about 10 minutes, after which the temperatures reached up to 99 degrees, and I had to stop the test. Just for curiosity, it managed to cool 210W for 3 minutes.

What if you turn the Titan into an active cooler? Then you can use it on any CPU. However, it's important to note that it won't be as efficient as traditional coolers, due to the different spacing of the fins compared to typical coolers. But back to the tests in active mode...


Additional Information

Silentmaxx just informed me that the springs under the tightening screws do not create sufficient pressure on the CPU, and temperatures can be up to 10 degrees Celsius higher than they could be (depending on the airflow in the case). New springs are on the way, so the test will definitely be repeated.

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vsimol som si, ze fanlesstech.com okazuje na tento clanok :) https://www.fanlesstech.com/2024/05/silentmaxx-titan-review.html

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