Samsung Magician v.4.3 pridáva podporu RAPID mode pre 840 PRO

Nová verzia Samsung Magician v.4.3 rozširuje podporu RAPID mode na SSD 840 PRO ako aj čerstvo uvedené 840 EVO formátu mSATA. Okrem toho prináša nasledovné nové funkcie a zlepšenia:

Magician 4.3 features a number of improvements over version 4.2.1:

  1. New model support : 840 EVO mSATA
  2. RAPID mode is extended : 840 PRO, 840 EVO(2.5”, mSATA)
  3. Windows 8.1 support
  4. Providing Data security guideline
    • Data security informs the user about the current security feature settings and provides a guide for using the desired features.
    • User can choose class 0, TCG/Opal and Encrypted drive for one’s convenience
  5. Fixing crash issue between Magician and SoftPerfect RAM Disk
  6. Fixing auto-wake up issue during hibernation mode without user’s command

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pomohlo :D http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3880/2edt.png
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